Mar 9, 2016

Social Media basic rules...

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and I don’t know what else… Social media is having a huge take over our lives and even replacing day-to-day interaction. Add to it chatting mediums such as Viber, WhatsApp, BBM, Messenger etc… Our life is becoming a total mess!

But just like everything in life, there are rules and regulations to follow and below is a brief on what, how and why!

Rule #1
Be nice and respectful. Whether you are sharing a thought, arguing over a status or debating over a post, always be nice and respectful.  The image you leave of yourself on social media from behind your phone or your computer is the same and true image of yourself in public. If you’re offensive online, people will not approach you enough to know what you are like in real… and vice-versa.  Also, always keep in mind that chats tend to be less personal and more firm; if you feel it heating up with your loved one pick-up the phone and call – there is nothing more comforting than a familiar voice to put things back to place.

Rule #2
Be open to various opinions. Social Mediums are a place to share and exchange ideas, thoughts and opinions. Respect those who are different, embrace them and stick to your point of view without being offensive and disrespectful.  Not everyone has to share your political opinion nor your opinion about breastfeeding or drugs. Just like in everything in life, you have to be open and respect the opinion of others online as if they were sitting in a 5 stars restaurant dining with you; be classy in your debates and replies.

Rule #3
Use the mediums correctly:
- Facebook is for connecting with friends, colleagues, family members, meeting new people, exchanging articles, videos, pictures, memories, etc…
- Instagram is to share the moment in picture. It is NOT an album book. It is NOT ok to share more than 2 posts in a row. And it is NOT ok to flood anyone’s homepage.  I unfollowed you, many of your current followers will come next.
- Snapchat is to share the moment and act silly. Nothing is saved there anyway! (unless someone catches you with a screenshot. L’horreur!)
- I don’t know much about Twitter but I assure you that expressing myself in less than 140 characters is quite challenging.

Rule #4
Hashtags. #Stop #overdoing #the #hashtag #use #, #please #google #the #proper #way# #to #use #those. PLEASE!

Rule #5
Respect your privacy and that of those around you. As much as sharing stories, funny statuses, pictures, silly post and others might be, always keep in mind to do them in a classy way without offending those around you. And above all: STOP posting your fights with your boyfriend little one. If you took time taking care of him as much as investing in insulting Facebook statuses, you wouldn’t be fighting that much! Not to mention: it really is none of anyone’s business!

Rule #6
Do not use fake pictures. There is not much to say here but please don’t! Don’t overdo filters neither. But that is not the point now. You know we can google that gorgeous figure-like profile you just posted and we know it is Allessandra Ambiosso’s one, not yours…. So not yours!

Rule #7
When you hide, hide everywhere. When you are online, answer. That’s basic respect. Just consider you are sitting on a coffee break and addressing a colleague who listens then walks away silently. How disrespectful that might be! Drop a “TTYL” (Talk To You Later) or a “BRB” (Be Right Back) even if you would be back in 48 hours… Just excuse yourself.

Et voilà…. Not that hard is it?

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